購物滿 HKD 1000.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

Samsung 三星 Odyssey G6 OLED 電競顯示器 (27吋 / WQHD / 360Hz / OLED / 0.03ms / HDR10 / FreeSync Premium Pro) - 2560 x 1440



商品特色 -更明亮驚嘆的OLED畫質 -360Hz 刷新率及 0.03ms (GtG) 反應時間 -OLED 防反光技術 -Safeguard+ 技術防止燒烘

Rincian Produk



A monitor is split into two views: on the left is shown the monitor's screen, on the right is the back of the monitor. The monitor's screen shows a warrior fighting a dragon. The back of the monitor is lit by a ring of lights on the monitor. Above the image it says "Epic Screen. Epic Play."


OLED picture quality

OLED 影像畫質


An icon of a screen with a thermometer

三星 OLED Safeguard+


An icon of  360Hz is shown.

360Hz 刷新率


An icon of 0.03ms is shown.

0.03ms 反應時間(GtG)




三星OLED以卓越的亮度呈現出廣泛的色彩、色調和對比度,提供持續出色的影像效果。憑藉250nits (typ) 的亮度和更寬廣的色域,每一個場景都以生動細節展現生命力。


On a screen, an image of a planet, a moon and stars is shown over an exotic beach landscape. Below the screen, the image is shown broken down into many individual lights.





The same image of two men in cloaks around a campfire is shown twice in comparison. On the right, the image labeled "Odyssey G6," the blacks are much darker than the left image labeled "Samsung Conventional Monitor."


OLED 防反光

防反光技術可顯著減少來自外部光源的反光,因此 OLED 屏幕可毫無干擾地呈現出完美的黑色和繽紛色彩體驗。與傳統的抗反射膜相比,屏幕的光澤度降低了 54%,你可看到完整的遊戲環境,讓敵人無處可藏。


A monitor sits on a desk in front of a window, with a mouse, keyboard, headphones and speakers on the desk.The monitor shows animage from the game Black Desert, split in half. The right side of the image, labeled "OLED Glare Free" is more clear with less reflection than the left side, labeled, "Glossy Display."A badge on the image says "OLED Glare Free: Reflection Glare UGR <10. Discomfort Glare UGR<22. Disability Glare UGR <34.

* 基於內部測試結果。


The back of the Odyssey G6 is shown in a video, turning red to indicate heat. A x-ray view shows coils inside of the monitor evaporating and condensing a cooling liquid. The red turn to blue, indicating a cooler temperature.


The back of the Odyssey G6 is shown in a video, turning red to indicate heat. A x-ray view shows coils inside of the monitor evaporating and condensing a cooling liquid. The red turn to blue, indicating a cooler temperature.


世界上首次在顯示器中採用脈動熱管來防止燒烘。動態冷卻系統透過蒸發和冷卻劑來散熱,其散熱效果是舊式石墨片散熱方法的 5 倍,從而降低了核心部位的溫度。

* 圖像為模擬圖像,僅供參考。

A scene from the game Black Desert is on the screen with a woman in front of an ancient pillar. Behind the screen are dots, with bigger dots where the bright spots are on the screen. Behind the dots is a thermal map, showing warmer colors where the bigger dots and brighter parts of the screen are.



* 當「調整標誌亮度」設定為「關閉 」或「低」時,熱調節僅在預設圖像模式下有效。 * 當「調整徽標亮度」設定為「高」時,熱調節始終處於激活狀態。



360Hz 刷新率及 0.03ms (GtG) 反應時間

閃避、反擊和進攻的反應速度比三星其他產品更快。OLED 技術提供近乎即時的靈敏的反應速度,反應時間為 0.03ms (GtG)。HDMI 2.1 和 DisplayPort 連接讓你可在對戰中,在 QHD 解像度下以 240Hz 的刷新率取得優勢。當你面對競爭對手的挑戰時,電光火石間的對決帶來勝利。

* 基於內部測試條件下測得的 GtG。結果可能因內容和顯示器設置而異。 * GtG(灰度到灰度)測量顯示器像素從一個灰度值變化到另一個灰度值所需的時間。 * 刷新率和反應時間可能因輸入源的性能而異。


A futuristic motorcycle is coming out of a screen. ON the screen, a refresh rate of .03ms is labeled. Below the screen, it reads "360Hz & 0.03ms".


AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

激烈的動作畫面,變得流暢無縫。AMD FreeSync Premium Pro 支援可變刷新率 (VRR),使 GPU 和面板保持同步,消除不流暢、屏幕延遲和圖像撕裂現像,可穩定而無間頓地投射出快速動作和複雜的遊戲場景,令你遊戲時的優勢大為提升。

* 屏幕圖像為模擬圖像,僅供參考。


A man is riding a futuristic motorcycle away from the screen. The screen is divided into two sections. The left section, labled "FreeSync OFF" shows the screen stuttering. The right side, labled "AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON" is clear.


The Odyssey OLED G6 is shown from several different angles: from the side, from the top, and from behind. A circle of multicolored lights is seen from every angle.



新升級的時尚設計,將任何空間秒變成與眾不同的電競空間。CoreLighting+ 配有光效自動調整設計,可隨你心情而自動變化光效。加上具備簡易安裝底座,無需任何工具或螺絲即可安裝顯示器,讓你身處的環境氛圍一轉

* 顯示器上的標誌顏色可能會因購買時間而異。

The back of the Odyssey OLED G6 is shown. Next to it, the G6 is in pivot mode, showing a futuristic robot on screen. ㄸErgonomic options are listed: HAS (height adjustable stand), Tilt, Swivel, and Pivot.時尚屏幕外型


The Odyssey OLED G6 is shown from several different angles: from the side, from the top, and from behind. A circle of multicolored lights is seen from every angle.



新升級的時尚設計,將任何空間秒變成與眾不同的電競空間。CoreLighting+ 配有光效自動調整設計,可隨你心情而自動變化光效。加上具備簡易安裝底座,無需任何工具或螺絲即可安裝顯示器,讓你身處的環境氛圍一轉

* 顯示器上的標誌顏色可能會因購買時間而異。

The back of the Odyssey OLED G6 is shown. Next to it, the G6 is in pivot mode, showing a futuristic robot on screen. ㄸErgonomic options are listed: HAS (height adjustable stand), Tilt, Swivel, and Pivot.





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