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Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店
Terms & Conditions
Last updated: 20 Dec 2017
Things you need to know.
What’s the Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店?
The Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店 is your place to get a lot of our carefully selected trendy information, communication with us and purchase the latest top-brand products. It’s really easy to use the shop. Just create a login (if you haven’t already) and browse through, pop anything you like in your cart and check out. And, for a limited time we’ll even look after all the delivery costs for you, which include our two professional delivery service -- SF station picking up service (For customers in Hong Kong) and Door to Door Service.
Important things to know
Before you use our Online Shop, there are some legal things you should know. Mostly it’s to make sure that you get exactly what you expect when you shop with us online. So it’s important to read through these terms so you know where you stand.
When you shop online with us, we’ll assume you’ve read and agree with these things along with any other terms and conditions that we show you while you shop. If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to call us on +852 2718 4618 or WhatsApp us (+852 60155577) day or night.
Who’s who?
As you read through, we’ll often use the word “you”. This refers to anyone who uses the Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店. Similarly when we say “we”, “our”, “us” or “M Market 億多市場” we’re talking about M Market and any related company that provides you with M Market 億多市場’ goods or services.
Buying things
You need to be at least 18 years old to use the Online Shop. Also, it’s important that you give us all the information we need otherwise we may not be able to complete your order.
When you place an order, you’re making an offer to buy something from the Online Shop according to these terms and conditions. From there, we’ll most likely accept your order by processing your payment and sending you the things you bought. But we may, for any reason, decline your order or a part of it. If that happens we’ll always let you know using the email address you’ve given us, or by phone. We don’t consider any order to be accepted until we’ve processed your payment and sent out the things you bought.
The price displayed on this website is only applicable to purchases made through this website and is not related to the branch retail price.
The prices on this website are not updated in real time. The displayed prices may be changed without prior notice. Foresoon reserves the right to make the final decision.
Keeping things accurate
We always aim to make sure everything you read in the Online Shop is both up to date and accurate. But you need to know that occasionally information in the Online Shop might have errors or omissions. While we do our best to avoid that, we can’t take any liability for these errors or omissions. Also, we may change the information in the Shop from time to time without notice.
Choice of colours
We always do our best to accurately display and describe the colours of anything you see advertised in the Online Shop. Having said that, we can’t guarantee the colour of anything delivered to you will exactly match the colour you see on your screen. Partly that’s because the colours on computer screens and printers can vary quite a lot.
What you pay
The price you pay for the things you order will always be the price you see displayed in the Online Shop, plus delivery charges if there are any.
If for some reason we have something listed with the wrong price or some incorrect information, or we are out of stock, we reserve the right to cancel your order (regardless of whether you’ve paid for it). But if you’ve already paid for an order that needs to be cancelled we’ll refund you in full and let you know what we’ve done using the contact details you gave us when you placed your order.
Finally, the things we sell in the Online Shop (and the price of them) may change at any time without notice.
The way you pay
You can buy things from the Online Shop with Visa, MasterCard.
There are restrictions on credit card purchases, such as how many products you can purchase in one transaction and credit card limits (see below for details).
Coupon Codes
If M Market 億多市場 has provided you with a unique code to be redeemed against orders of products from the Online Shop (“Coupon Code”), you must redeem your Coupon Code by entering the unique number provided by M Market 億多市場 at the checkout process when placing your order otherwise the discount will not be applied to your order.
You can only use one Coupon Code per order of product.
The Coupon Code will expire six months from the date that it is provided by the M Market 億多市場 representative to you. You will not be able to use the Coupon Code after this date.
You cannot use a Coupon Code in conjunction with any other sales discounts or promotional offers.
Your shopping limit
Your purchases may also be subject to a maximum credit card limit.
Cancelling or changing your order
When you make an order and get your order number, you have committed to buying the item(s) from the Online Shop. Having said that, we understand that sometimes people make mistakes. So if that happens, call us on +852 2718 4618 or WhatsApp us (+852 60155577) straight away (and in any case within 5 days) and we’ll do our best to fix any problems before we capture your money via credit cards. As long as your order hasn’t been processed, we should be able to make any changes in your order. We may even be able to cancel the transaction without priority notification if that’s what needs to happen.
Getting things delivered
We can only deliver things you buy from the Online Shop to physical addresses. This doesn’t include PO Boxes or Private Bags.
We’ll email you confirmation when your order is sent. If we’re sending something in or around Hong Kong it should arrive ‘next two working day’. Any orders sent to the rest of Hong Kong could take up to Four or more working days to arrive. But whenever you place an order we’ll send a ‘track and trace’ ID with your confirmation email so you’ll always know exactly where your order is.
Getting things delivered on time is important to us, but we can’t guarantee delivery times. So we can’t be liable for any loss, cost or expense caused by delay in delivery.
Couriers need a signature before they’ll hand over an order and they won’t deliver to addresses that are obviously unoccupied. So if you’re not there, or they aren’t sure that everything is as it should be, they may decide that it’s best not to deliver your order.
We’re responsible for the items you’ve ordered until the order is signed for by you or someone on your behalf. Once you’ve got the order, it’s yours and you’re responsible.
Paying postage
For a limited time we’ll pay all courier charges for all the purchases that you make from our Online Shop. When we change this we’ll make it very clear on the website.
Faulty Device
If somehow the device we sent you turns out to be faulty as soon as you open it up then we will replace it for you at no cost. Just let us know within 3 days of purchasing your device on +852 2718 4618 or WhatsApp us (+852 60155577)
If the device you purchased from us stops working at some point during the applicable manufacturer's warranty period, just call us on +852 2718 4618 or WhatsApp us (+852 60155577) and we will let you know how you can return the device for repair.
At this point, you may need to pay a bond to cover the cost of inspection by the manufacturer. If there is a genuine fault with your mobile device you’ll get the bond back and the manufacturer will repair or replace your mobile device as stated in their warranty terms. Warranty claims are also subject to the other terms and conditions that you’ll find in the manufacturer’s warranty that you’ll get with your handset.
If you need to send a mobile device back for repair or replacement, there is the chance you might permanently lose any contacts, ringtones, messages, games or other downloads that you have saved into your handset. So we recommend that before you send a handset back to us, you make a back up of this data. M Market 億多市場 isn’t responsible for any loss of data from your handset in the case of repair or replacement.
Apple Devices
Please note that if you have purchased any Apple device and on receiving the device it turns out to be faulty or is faulty at any time during the manufacturer's warranty period, just call us on +852 2718 4618 or WhatsApp us (+852 60155577) and we will let you know how you can return it for repair. We will not require you to pay a bond in respect of your Apple device and if there is a genuine fault with the device the manufacturer will repair it or replace it in accordance with the terms of their warranty. Please read the manufacturer's warranty that comes with your Apple device carefully.
Credit Card Security
It’s really important that you can use your credit or debit card safely in the Online Shop. All of our payments are handled by an independent accredited payment processor that complies with the standards set by the Payment Card Industry. M Market 億多市場 does not see or store card details.
The Online Shop uses 3D Secure for additional security. 3D Secure provides extra protection for both you and Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店 for online payments. It is used to authenticate you as the cardholder during payment processing, similar to entering a PIN for an ATM or EFTPOS transaction. If you accidentally close out of the browser during the 3D Secure authentication process, your transaction will be treated as failed/abandoned.
For more information, see http://www.visaeurope.com/en/cardholders/verified_by_visa/how_it_works.aspx for Visa cards and http://www.mastercard.com/mel/personal/en/cardholderservices/securecode/how_it_works.html for MasterCard transactions.
Looking after your information
We take this very seriously and will comply with our Privacy Policy. When you use the Online Shop we understand that you accept this Policy as the way we collect, hold and manage your personal information.
Your order number
If you buy something from the Online Shop and need to talk to us about it, it’s much easier if you can give us the order number. If you don’t have that, you’ll need to know the credit card number you used to complete the order. That’s so we can make sure you are who you say you are.
Changes to these terms and conditions
Every now and then, we might need to make changes to these terms and conditions, which we’ll do by publishing them right here in the Online Shop. As soon as any new terms and conditions are published, all orders you make from the Online Shop are subject to the latest terms and conditions on the Shop at the time.
If for any reason any of these terms or conditions are unenforceable or invalid, the rest of them will always, to the maximum extent possible, remain in full force and effect.
Your use of our website and our Site Terms of Use are governed by Hong Kong law.
And that’s it. So enjoy using the Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店 and if there’s anything you need or anything you’re not sure about, just give our team a call on +852 2718 4618 or WhatsApp us (+852 60155577) at any time
Customer Services Manager
Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店
Room 07, 2/F., Kingsford Industrial Centre, 13 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2865 7238 Email Address: buy@Foresoon.com.hk
Please note that this Terms may be amended from time to time without prior notice. You are advised to check it on a regular basis.
Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop 科訊電腦網購雲上店
什麼是Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop (雲上店)?
在Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop (雲上店),您可以從中獲得大量我們精心挑選的時尚資訊,與我們聯繫併購買最新的頂級品牌產品。在這家商店購物真的很容易。只需創建一個登錄名(如果尚未登錄)並瀏覽,在購物車中彈出您想要的任何內容並結賬即可。而且,在某些情況內,我們甚至會為您負擔所有的送貨費用,其中包括我們的兩項專業送貨服務-順豐站接送服務(適用於香港客戶)和門到門服務。
當您在這裏在線購物時,我們假設您已經閱讀並同意這些內容以及我們在購物時向您顯示的任何其他條款和條件。如果您在此處任何問題未得到回答,請隨時在白天或晚上致電+852 2718 4618或WhatsApp我們(+852 60155577)與我們聯繫。
在您往下閱讀時,我們經常會使用“您”一詞。這是指使用“ Foresoon Computer Accessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop (雲上店) ”的任何人。同樣,當我們說“我們”,“我們的”,“我們”或“ M Market億多市場”時,我們所說的是M Market以及向您提供M Market億多市場的商品或服務的任何相關公司。
當您下訂單並獲取訂單號時,您已承諾從網上商店購買商品。話雖如此,我們了解有時人們會犯錯誤。因此,如果發生這種情況,請立即(無論如何在5天內)致電+852 2718 4618或WhatsApp我們(+852 60155577)與我們聯繫,我們將盡力解決所有問題,然後再通過信用卡收取您的款項。只要您的訂單未得到處理,我們就可以對您的訂單進行任何更改。如果發生這種情況,我們甚至可以取消交易而無需發出優先通知。
發送訂單後,我們會通過電子郵件向您發送確認郵件。如果我們要在香港或附近發送郵件,則應在“接下來的兩個工作日”到達。發送到香港其他地區的訂單最多可能需要四個或更多工作日才能到達。但是,每當您下訂單時,我們都會在確認電子郵件中發送一個“跟踪” ID,以便您始終準確知道您的訂單在哪裡。
如果您打開設備後發現發送給您的設備出現故障,我們將免費為您更換。請在通過+852 2718 4618或WhatsApp us(+852 60155577)購買設備後的三天內告知我們
如果您從我們這裡購買的設備在適用的製造商的保修期內某個時候停止工作,只需致電+852 2718 4618或WhatsApp us(+852 60155577)與我們聯繫,我們將告知您如何退還該設備進行維修。
請注意,如果您購買了任何Apple設備,並且在製造商保修期內的任何時間收到設備後發現設備有問題或有問題,只需致電+852 2718 4618或WhatsApp我們(+852 60155577),然後我們將讓您知道如何將其退回維修。我們不要求您為Apple設備支付保證金,如果設備確實存在故障,製造商將根據其保修條款對其進行維修或更換。請仔細閱讀Apple設備隨附的製造商保修。
請務必在網上商店中安全使用信用卡或記賬卡,這一點非常重要。我們所有的付款均由獨立的,經過認可的付款處理者處理,該處理者符合“支付卡行業”設定的標準。 我們看不到或存儲卡的詳細信息。
在線商店使用3D Secure來提高安全性。 3D Secure為您和Foresoon ComputerAccessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop (雲上店) 提供額外的保護,用於在線支付。它用於在付款處理過程中驗證您作為持卡人的身份,類似於為ATM或EFTPOS交易輸入PIN。如果您在3D安全身份驗證過程中意外關閉瀏覽器,則您的交易將被視為失敗/取消了。
就是這樣。因此,請盡情使用Foresoon ComputerAccessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop (雲上店),如果您有任何需要或不確定的地方,只需給我們的團隊打電話+852 2718 4618或WhatsApp us(+852 60155577)
Foresoon ComputerAccessories Mobile Market Online Cloud Shop (雲上店)
電話:(852)2865 7238電子郵件地址:buy@Foresoon.com.hk
所有貨品如以 Visa/Master/AE/EPS/Wehcat/Alipay/八達通 等付款,如要退款需扣除 3% 手續費,
(eps 1.5%) 所有退款均以支票形式進行(包括現金付款)
客人需前往九龍灣寫字樓地址收取或留下銀行資料直接入戶口, 本公司保留最終決定權 !
. **(不能退回現金)**
If Goods payment in Visa/Master/AE/EPS/Wehcat/Alipay /Octopus all REFUND need to be deduct
3% handling fee,(eps 1.5%) Chq issue for all refund processing (include cash paid) and
collect in Kln Bay office or bank detail for chq deposit. OUR CO. RESERVE THE RIGHT FOR FINAL